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Welcome to Reed Revolution!

Reed is a remarkable resource, often referred to as “Nordic Bamboo” although it grows abundantly in wetlands and bay areas worldwide. Reed's rapid growth and minimal resource requirements make it a particularly attractive option in terms of sustainability and low carbon footprint. It doesn’t need additional land or cultivation but needs to be harvested annually. It helps maintain the health of bay areas but also provides a sustainable supply of this remarkable material that fuels innovation.

Reed biomaterial stands out for its combination of high durability, strength, versatility and sustainability. We can mold it into various forms, making it suitable for a wide range of products, from cards to packaging, from containers to cutlery and much more. On top of that it’s biodegradable, compostable and doesn’t clog up landfills or pollute our oceans.

Dry Reeds
Desert and Common Reeds

Our journey with reed and Sutu was first inspired by the environmental impact of single-use plastics and the EU's push to ban them. As a nature lover and material scientist, Ailet saw an opportunity to create a truly sustainable alternative and Sutu drinking straws was born.

We quickly realized that reed's potential went far beyond drinking straws. That's how our innovative Sutu reed material was born. The versatility of reed has constantly amazed us! We are now fully focused on redefining plastic and creating a positive change in the world with reed (revolution).

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